Just wanted to post what happened when there was a little power failure on Christmas Day.
Short, about 10 minutes or so, but my main computer was on at the time. After the power came back on, I had problems starting the system up again. I could get through the main boot screen, but the system would reboot after trying to start windows. Safe Mode didn’t work.
After a few hours searching (on another computer) A very good source was found at techrepublic I used the recovery disk and went to chkdsk command to get the system back up. It took a few tries to get back up.
I do have a backup hard drive that stores everything on, but I will be making changes in the future. Just the thought of having to rebuild my system and get everything back up can stick fear into oneself.
First, I will add a main storage system or NAS – Network Attached Storage where everything will be stored for all the computers. I will also use a UPS power supply to protect against future power failures.
Future changes will include using a RAID system, which has multiple hard drives in the computer to either copy the main drive or to protect against one drive failing.
Two pieces of advice that are the most important. Make sure your backup is automatic. Don’t rely on you or someone else doing it every so often. And second, make sure you have more than one spot to back data to. You never know.